Friday, November 30, 2007

Turning Trash into Art

This "Dizzy Bottles at Burning Man" video shows some art made from trash. Have you made any art from your garbage?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

100 Ways To Save The Planet

Get your pencils out and start writing these down or go to:

and buy the ebook. If you print it make sure you use recycled paper and soy ink.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Politics, Killing and the Green Scarf of Ask A Chola

Tonight Anderson Cooper and the Republican candidates will be live at 8 pm EST on the CNN/YouTube Debates and wearing her green bandanna Ask A Chola brings up the candidates views on killing. Now when we get down to the root of this whole "Green Thing" doesn't it boil down to oil and if it's okay to kill for crude?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bike to School or Work

By biking to work just one day a week, you’ll reduce your weekday driving impact (and your parking aggravation) by 20% and you can save money on gas.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Various UK green companies join in a campaign to promote the benefits of living in a more eco-friendly world. They’ve organized “The Sustainability Show”. This is the latest in the BSN features highlighting environmental initiatives across Britain.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Those Who Control Energy Control the World

Here's a Segment from a Documentary shot in the early 90's about Global Conspiracies. The big difference between then and now is the Internet. If someone does invent a car that runs on water and they want everyone to know about it they can post the plans on how to build this water powered car online for everyone to see.

If someone reinvents Tesla's "wireless electricity" that's FREE to all, they can post the documentation on the Internet.

Do any of you have a Lean Mean Green invention you care to share ?

We think a Salt water powered car would be best considering global warming / climate change and all that extra sea water we are going to have readily available.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Wendy Tremayne and Mikey Sklar Green Pioneers

( ) brings us Wendy Tremayne, best known for founding Swap-O-Rama-Rama, and Mikey Sklar, who is geek famous for self implanting an RFID chip into his hand, are also green pioneers. Leaving New York City to settle in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, these two decided to invest their retirement funds into creating Green Acre. Their goals for Green Acre span from being a green lodging spot for geeks to becoming a community center and arts venue for the increasing number of T-or-C locals. Jay and Ryan from got the chance to hang with Wendy and Mikey on their long drive from San Fran to SXSW. They graciously toured Jay and Ryan around, showed them the hot springs, cooked them meals, and shared the secrets of making papercrete. In several videos from, you’ll get to hang with them too. Thanks Wendy and Mikey! Also thanks to Jonny Goldstein for putting in contact!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Daryl Hannah is Lean Mean and Green

Daryl Hannah was at the front gates of the Artivist Film Festival to protest against the festival's new sponsor, an oil company called PETROBRAS. This is what she had to say.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Solar Power? or Cheap Power?

When it gets dark in Africa it gets dark and people make fires to see and cook. But at what price?

Solar power is expensive and Africa is poor. Clean Power or Cheap Power? Pick one. You only get one right now.

If there anything we can do to change that?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Headzup: Censoring Global Warming

Sometimes it does seem like the current administration would like to see us all driving Hummers and fighting in the Middle East.

In a Daily Mobile Comedy From Headzup, Dick Cheney is asked about the White House's censoring of the testimony of the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Monday, November 12, 2007

More Video on Hybrids

What technology is behind Hybrid cars and who is making them?

Are you thinking of buying a Hybrid?

Friday, November 9, 2007

World Naked Bike Ride

In March and June 2008, in cities around the world, people will be riding bikes naked to celebrate cycling and the human body. The ride demonstrates the vulnerability of cyclists on the road and is a protest against car culture. Visit the World Naked Bike Ride for all the info.

Are you willing to get out of your car, take your clothes off and go for a bike ride to draw attention to what oil has done to our planet?

Please let us know.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Saved by the Sun

With rising oil prices, there is new urgency in finding a solution to our uncertain energy future. NOVA presents the latest thinking from solar enthusiasts and skeptics as it investigates cutting-edge research developments.

Are you using any solar products or gadgets?

Tell us what you are using.

Or if you are selling solar products please tell us about them and share a link.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Eat Raw Organic Food, Save Energy and Lose Weight

Okay think about this for a second. If the organic food is cooked you gain weight eating it. If the food is not cooked you lose weight eating it. If you don't cook the food you don't use gas or electric and you reduce your carbon footprint. Pretty cool.

In this episode of the Running Raw Project: Tim VanOrden speaking at Leaf Cuisine in Culver City, CA, talks about how the cooking of carbohydrates affects how the body stores fat. He has a great story about pigs and farmers.

More info about eating raw at

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Truth About Toyota

Everyone loves Toyota right? Well not now that they seem to be doing some legal lobbying in the wrong direction. Is it just a simple misunderstanding?

Or can flashlights run off pee?

Find out in this episode of Zaproot.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Green Funerals

Changing perceptions on death, GreenSprings Eco-Cemetery in Newfield, NY discovers how green burial is helping to protect and preserve the environment.

What is a green burial?

Simple and natural. Green burial, or natural burial, ensure the burial site remains as natural as possible in all respects. Interment of the bodies is done in a bio-degradable casket, shroud, or a favorite blanket. No embalming fluid, no concrete vaults.

Why have a green burial?

It is clear that nature has intended that our bodies be reunited with the earth. All organisms that have lived, have died and returned to the soil...only to be recycled into new life. Constant microbial activity in the soil breaks everything down. Nature creates no waste. Everything is recycled.

In keeping with your personal values, a natural burial site for you, family, even pets, promotes growth of native trees, shrubs and wildflowers, in turn bringing birds and other wildlife to the area. Water is not wasted, nor are pesticides and herbicides used in attempts to control nature. Instead, a green cemetery allows nature take it's course. Planting native trees, shrubs and flowers in your loved one's honor promotes habitat restoration. To encourage land preservation, a green cemetery grants a conservation easement for the burial site.

Friday, November 2, 2007

GOOD Magazine: Internet Porn

GOOD Magazine, The magazine for people who want to do well by doing good engages and challenge people through ideas and institutions that drive change in the world.

A quick look at the above video about Internet porn gives you an idea of how much good could be done in the US and throughout the world if only we spent a little less time searching sex and more time searching green.

We're not saying stop searching sex we're just saying search green a little more.


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ask A Chola Goes Green

Ask a Chola brings up a really good point about global warming and climate change.