Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Is the iPhone Bee Friendly?

If you Google "missing bees" you will find links to stories from the New York Times, Digg, PBS and even the Christian News Wire all talking about missing bees and one even proclaiming the "Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy"

Several of these articles point the blame on cell phones.

One thing is for sure. No bees equals no food and with the love affair overweight America has with their cells phones it will be interesting to see if Americans will choose food over phones.

The big question that we are wondering about ... Is the iPhone Bee Friendly?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Drunk America on Global Warming

So what do you really know about global warming? Do you know more than Drunk America? The AV Club shows us how young drunk Americans really feel about global warming.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Save the Shark!

Sharks have survived for over 450 Million years, control over two thirds of the planet,they are the world's top predator and we need them. Unfortunately humans want to kill sharks.Sharkwater opens in theaters November 2nd.

Pledge to Save the Shark.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sticky Question

Sticky Question

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From the UK comes Sticky Question - a video promoting The Big Ask. It has one simple aim - getting people to ask difficult questions about climate change so the Government is persuaded to take action.

Adding to the dishonourable line of sex romp scandals, Sticky Question tells the tale of a naked MP, a leather-clad dominatrix and a cleaning lady with a big question to ask.

Visit OR ask your congressman what he or she is doing to stop global warming.

Do you know who your congressman is?

Would you like to know?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tom Hanks Got Himself an Electric Car

My Electric Car - Part 1

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Tom Hanks talks about one of his electric cars that is a new EV from AC Propulsion that is built by converting a Scion xB 5-speed to electric power.

The eBox’s unique lithium ion battery, made from 5,088 small cells, stores more energy with less weight than other EV batteries so the eBox is light and responsive.

Unfortunately it costs about $75,000 but if you're Tom Hanks that's like a couple hours of work.

When they can get the cost down to $25K we think they will have a real Lean Mean Green Machine on their hands.

Hopefully the good strides that we are making now with electric cars won't have long term negative effects like the subject matter of Tom Hanks' new film "Charlie Wilson's War." It's a drama about a Texas congressman Charlie Wilson's covert dealings in Afghanistan, and how his efforts to assist rebels with a war against the Soviets have some unforeseen and long-reaching effects... you know the old, " the US taught them how to fight and now they are fighting the US story."

You think we would have learned our lesson on that one but somehow the play book doesn't get read or passed on to the new coaches and the players don't seem to care they just march out on the field for another day of football.

You know, the Hummer was subsidized by a tax credit, anyone know how we can get a tax break on the eBox so we can all run out and buy one????

Come on Mr. Hanks, we love your movies, we love that you drive electric cars how can you help the middle class afford eBoxes?

If anyone can help America afford electric cars it's you Tom Hanks. You have a voice that can be heard. You have the ears of people that can make changes. There are millions of people who would drive electric cars if they could afford them. Keep up the good work you are doing and help us get there.

Monday, October 22, 2007

This Bulb

Just a single naked light bulb can get some sexy actresses to make a little video about saving the planet. Natalie Portman, Kyra Sedgwick and Chloe Sevigny explain how an action as simple as changing a light bulb can help reverse the effects of greenhouse gases. Featuring the music of Aimee Mann and remarkable footage from the National Geographic library.

For more information visit:

Pig Poop Leads to Global Warming

Devour The Earth (Documentary)(PART 2)

According to BgreenTV in (PART 2) Global Warming In 1989 the crew of a space craft watched a smoke cloud from thousands of fires spread across a million square miles of Amazonia. It was rainforest being cleared for cattle ranching. With the burning of vegetation, huge reservoirs of stored carbon dioxide are unlocked, released to float upwards and provide yet more insulation to prevent heat escaping from the earth. When the cattle arrive, each one belches out 60 litres of methane every day adding another twist to the spiral. Together, burning and belching provide the 2nd largest contribution to the greenhouse effect. FACTS 3: Since 1970 the destruction of rainforests in Latin America has contributed over 1.4 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Methane gas is responsible for 18% of global warming, with the methane gas content of the atmosphere increasing by 1% per year. 18% of world methane emissions are from livestock. There are more than 1.3 billion cattle in the world. 26% of UK methane emissions are from livestock. UK livestock emissions contribute 1.15 million tonnes of methane to global warming every year. Soil Depletion The United States, the world's largest consumer of meat has lost 1/3 of all its topsoil. Huge areas of the Western states can no longer support the agriculture and the land may well return to buffalo pasture. Underground water supplies are depleted faster than they can be replenished with rain. The soil ceases to provide even grazing and as they do, they consume more water in new places. Livestock's demand for water is as destructive as its demand for food. In the case of beef grown on irrigated pastures 12 times as demanding as vegetables. In Britain, nearly 1/2 of all arable land is now at risk of erosion as intensive farming destroys the very structure of the soil. Acid Rain The world has a new problem - an endless supply of animal excreta, stored in slurry form a 100 times more polluting than human waste - it just keeps on accumulating, too prolific to be absorbed by the land. Bacteria turns its ammonia into acid, it evaporates, joins with nitrous oxide from fertilizers, combines with industrial pollution and forms acid rain. Its legacy is sour unproductive soil and dead and dying forests, rivers and lakes. Almost forgotten in the avalanche of other environmental disasters, acid rain is devastating the northern habitats of Europe and America. In some countries, slurry is its principle cause. An end to livestock production would dramatically slow the decay. FACTS 4: A single cow can produce 23 tonnes of manure a year. 10 pigs can produce 21 tonnes of manures a year. Spread over the land this contributes to acid rain, soil and water pollution. Ammonia from animal farming is recognised as a major cause of acid rain, causing over 70% of acidity in some areas. In Holland, where livestock outnumbers humans by over 7 to 1, farmers have been told to reduce herds by a quarter to help save dying forests. Suffering Seas Trawlers and seine netters cross the world's oceans scooping out increasing numbers of ever smaller fish. Heavy trawl boards smash their way across the ocean floor, destroying everything in their path. Every year more countries scramble to join the killing fields of tuna drift netting and with each net go the lives of more whales and dolphins, rays and seabirds, turtles and sharks. Some countries continue with their slaughter of whales. Mammals with a language more complex than our own, but of which we understand not one word. Intensive factory farming has also come to the seas of Europe and it is salmon, mysterious migratory creatures which are the chosen captives. It is like caging swallows. Crammed into cages they can only survive with the use of antibiotics and pesticides and are made marketable by colouring their flesh with an additive banned in the USA. And to feed these imprisoned creatures, the seas are trawled for other fish, industrial fish.... 5 pounds to produce 1 pound of salmon meat. PCBs are industrial chemicals, some of the most poisonous substances known, these now infect almost the whole of the oceans' food chain. FACTS 5: Nine of the world's 17 major fisheries are in serious decline. All of the others have reached their limits. Worldwide 124 billion dollars are spent every year catching just 70 billion dollars worth of fish. Recent surveys suggest that over 40% of fish caught in the North sea are diseased - often with cancerous tumours. An estimated 240,000 tonnes of PCB's (effectively banned in the UK since 1980) are thought to have entered the world's oceans. Strongly migratory salmon are factory farmed at stocking densities of 15kg per squaremetre.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Van Pool? What's a Van Pool?

So instead of getting in your own car you jump into a van full of other people and you ride together to work. What's the big deal?

"I can't go anywhere during lunch."

Sure you can, borrow a friend's car or use a Flexcar or Zipcar.

"What if I have to leave work early?"
Borrow a Friend's Car, use a Flexcar or Zipcar.

Also keep in mind that many employers who offer Vanpools also offer Taxi cabs or rental cars for emergencies and some employers give employees up to $150 per month for using Vanpools.

Think of what else you could be doing while you are sitting in a van instead of driving.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Doing your part to fight global climate change doesn't have to break the bank

You don't have to buy a new Hybrid car to help stop global warming. There are many simple things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. One of them is using public transportation. For more information, visit

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Northwest Passage Now Open!

Hey isn't GREAT! You don't need an icebreaker ship to get through the Northwest Passage anymore. How Cool is That? Thank You Global Warming!!!!!!!!

Zaproot also talks about how weird weather can get, and a round up of mini homes.

For more visit:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Electric Cars " a piece of crap"

WSJ's Joe White interviews Tesla Motors co-founder Martin Eberhard about his agenda for producing and marketing the electrical roadster his company plans to launch.

Eberhard calls other Electric Cars " a piece of crap" that no one wants to drive.

That's easy for him to say when his $98,000 cool electric car is late in being shipped.

He does bring up some good points though.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Think You Would Never Use Biofuels?

Think again.

Chances are pretty good that you have placed a bi-product of corn in your body today.

Friday, October 12, 2007

5 Star Green: An Eco Friendly Hotel in Manhattan

Want to globe-trot without the guilt of an over-sized carbon footprint? Well relax and trot away, because many hotels have started making it easy to stay green while you're out on the road for business or pleasure. Manhattan's 70 Park Avenue boutique hotel is one place that believes hospitality is more than pillow mints and room service. As part of the Kimpton Hotel Group's EarthCare program they make an extra effort to keep wasteful practices to a minimum by using eco cleaning products, recycled papers, ‘low flow' water savers, donation programs, and an eco concierge who provides green information and services. Not to mention they'll set you up with a zero emission, man-powered pedicab so you can move around the city in style. Being green was never so luxurious.

For more videos like this visit Riverwired.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Spinal Tap Reunites for Live Earth To Fight Global Warming

Writing a “Green” Blog takes up a lot of time and posting to a “Green” Vlog takes up even more time. But all that time spent blogging and vlogging about Green environmental issues that help to reduce CO2 and educate people on what they can do to reduce their carbon footprint is well worth the time.

For the first time ever we have a global problem (Global Warming) and a global community that can be brought together to solve it. That said if you have a video or see a video online that you would like us to feature here on Lean Mean Green please send it to Lean Mean Green at Yahoo dot Com.

This is a 4 minute clip of a 15 minute film that can be viewed in its entirety at

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hundreds strip naked on glacier in global warming protest

Parental warning: Contains (very tasteful) nudity.

Greenpeace had their cameras rolling as six hundred people shed their clothes on a glacier in the Swiss Alps to bodily cry out for help against a planetary emergency: global warming.

The nude volunteers posed for us and renowned naked "installation" artist Spencer Tunick on the Aletsch Glacier.

Without clothes, the human body is vulnerable, exposed, its life or death at the whim of the elements. Global warming is stripping away our glaciers and leaving our entire planet vulnerable to extreme weather, floods, sea-level rise, global decreases in carrying capacity and agricultural production, fresh water shortages, disease and mass human dislocations.

If global warming continues at its current rate, most glaciers in Switzerland will completely disappear by 2080, leaving nothing but valleys and slopes strewn with rock debris.

Read More:

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hybrid Cars

At the dawn of a new era in environmentally conscious automotive engineering, some auto-makers are taking a giant, green leap into the future, moving High technology into the main stream with a new generation of gas/electric Hybrids. Advances in technology are helping break the stereotypical image of the stodgy little, although ecologically superior, hybrid automobile. Wathc the above video from

Monday, October 8, 2007

E-Waste: Dumping on the Poor

Are you looking for a deal on a 24" 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Extreme iMac
with 2GB memory? Buying a new Mac Book Pro or iPhone? What are you going to do with your used G-5 Quad or used Powerbook G4? What about your used Blackberry 7130 or used Treo 650 and your used Laser Jet 4050TN?

Heck, send 'em to Asia. No one will notice.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Solar Powered Cars Don't Have to Have Solar Panels

So if you have an electric car and you have solar panels on the roof of your house to charge your electric car do you then have a solar powered car?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Carpoolers Parody?

The ABC TV Show Carpoolers premiered last night and we heard people talking about it. We actually heard people say, "That show makes me want to carpool." As hard is that is to believe it's even harder to believe that some kids have made a parody of the promo for the TV Show. Now if these kids can just get their parents to carpool.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What Happens to Manhattan When Sea Level Rises 12 Meters?

Well for starters it makes it hard to drive a hybrid car, catch a cab or use your bus pass.

Check out the animated 12-meter sea level rise in lower Manhattan as viewed in Google Earth

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

GM's Electric Car VOLT Charges Ahead

General Motors has announced a supplier for their Electric Cars rechargeable batteries.

Monday, October 1, 2007

What are Universities Doing to Help the Environment?

Lean Mean Green caught up with Carole Jolly from the University of British Columbia and asked her what UBC was doing to help the environment through Bus programs, ride sharing and other sustainable initiatives.